Workout haircare : Tips to take care of your hair pre & post-workout

Workout hair care : Tips to take care of your hair pre & post-workout

Workout haircare : Tips to take care of your hair pre & post-workout

Workout haircare is as important as a workout is for your body and health. Washing your hair every day after a workout can leave your scalp dry and if you don’t then it makes it oily and greasy. So how do you take care of your hair while you focus on staying healthy and fit?

Here are a few tips to take care of your hair pre and post-workout. This can also be followed if you have had a long journey and a long day at work.

Pre-workout hair care 

1. Pick a workout hairstyle 

We like to keep hair off our faces when we work out especially during cardio and yoga. It is always best to keep your hair tied for your workout session.

For yoga, you can always go for a loose bun and during cardio and running secure your hair into a braid or a ponytail.Workout haircare : Tips to take care of your hair pre & post-workout

2. Hair accessories are your best friends

There are ample hair accessories when it comes to working out. From sweatbands to headgears, pins and scrunchies, there are so many options to pick from to hold your hair in place.

3. Keep smelly hair at bay with hair perfumes 

It is natural to get all sweaty and you can’t expect your hair to smell all fresh. But hair perfumes work like magic, they are designed to scent your hair and keep them fragrant. You can also opt for hair serums.

Workout haircare : Tips to take care of your hair pre & post-workout

Post-workout hair care 

1. Time to refresh: 

There is no rocket science when it comes to cleansing your hair but after workout, your hair needs extra care because of excess sweat and oil. Use gentle, purifying shampoo which helps in removing all sweat, grime and dirt from your scalp and hair. Conditioner is a must after shampoo. Keep the temperature of the water either lukewarm or cool.Workout haircare : Tips to take care of your hair pre & post-workout

2. Go easy with the hair ties: 

After the shower, do not tie your hair with a tight elastic hair band; they might increase the chances of hair breakage and kinks. Tie your hair with a satin ribbon or silk hair ties. Just like your body, your hair deserves all the love and care.

3. Ditch the hair dryer:   

If your hair-dry your hair after a shower, don’t. Towel dry your hair to let it dry naturally. A hairdryer tends to make the hair dry causing hair breakage and dandruff. Using a few drops of serum can do the magic as it removes frizz, detangles the hair and adds luster as well.

Workout haircare : Tips to take care of your hair pre & post-workout

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