Wall decor ideas for living room

Wall decor ideas for living room
Interior Design

Wall decor ideas for living room

Wall decor ideas for living rooms are bountiful. How to decorate a wall? How to decorate a wall for a living room? Decorating a wall need not be boring. Also, it is not just about hanging a few photos. It is boring and you don’t want to do that.

Wall decor ideas for living room
Wall decor ideas for living room

It is needless to mention that a living room is an extremely significant part of a house. The living room is that part of the house wherein there is human traffic and visitors come and settle. Hence a living room wall must be modern, creative and appealing to the eyes.

In this blog, we discuss a few wall decor ideas to decorate a living room:

1. Make your wall ‘go green’

When we discuss decorating a wall, keep in mind that a wall need not be decorated with photo frames always. Decorate the living room wall with plants as shown in the image below. A few basic shrubs will also do the magic.  It is different and gives a fresh look to the interiors.

Wall decor ideas for living room
Make your wall ‘go green’
2. A pretty bookshelf 

Are you a bibliophile? Do you have stacks of books and don’t have a place to store them? Give it a twist. Flaunt your books on a bookshelf attached to the wall. This way, you can flaunt the books and also decorate the wall in a unique way.

Wall decor ideas for living room
Make a bookshelf on one side
3. Play with words on the wall 

Who says your wall should not ‘speak?’ The two images below show the wall decorated with words. While the first image is literally a crossword puzzle, the other image portrays the design of the wall in the form of a chat. Are you in the mood to talk?

Wall decor ideas for living room
Wall decor ideas for living room

Play with words on the wall

4. An accent wall is the safest choice

An accent wall is another most popular way to decorate a living room wall. An accent wall is basically a wall that is unlike other walls in the room in terms of design. The field of interior decoration is unique that way. An accent wall can even become the focal point of the room. An accent wall can differ in color, design and patterns and motifs from the other walls in the room.

Wall decor ideas for living room
Wall decor ideas for living room: Accent wall
5. A photo wall

Let’s not forget the masterpiece wall decor ideas of all. A photo wall. A photo wall is by far one of the most largely implemented wall decor ideas for the simplicity of the idea, to begin with. Get a photo wall that narrates a story, an incident or just defines your personality.

Wall decor ideas for living room
Photo wall

Wall decor ideas to decorate a living room wall can be simple, blingy or minimal based on the preference of the individual. There are several subjects in interior designing course that equip students with fundamental aspects of interior design.

Wall decor ideas for living room

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