Trend Forecast and Portfolio building in Jewellery Industry

Trend Forecast and Portfolio building in Jewellery Industry
Industry Exposure - Bangalore

Trend Forecast and Portfolio building in Jewellery Industry

Trend Forecast and Portfolio building in Jewellery Industry

One of the major apex for a Diploma in Jewellery course is the Forecast, it’s important for a Jewellery entrepreneur or a Jewellery design aspirant to understand the market. A clear understanding of colours of the season and forecast helps them to plan, design and execute their products more efficiently. Yes, there will be hiccups at the start, but if you have a clear understanding of trend forecasting and a presentable portfolio, we believe your entry in the jewellery industry becomes slightly better. JD Institute of Fashion Technology has a very meticulous curriculum in Jewellery Design Course were practical knowledge on understanding the forecast and making an astounding portfolio mandatory.

Trend Forecast and Portfolio building in Jewellery Industry

Ms.Mini Gautam a prodigy and product of NIFT, who is having a thriving career in Charms Day Jewellery Private LTD as Manager for Products were invited to do a workshop/talk with JEDIIIANS about jewellery trends of 2018 and portfolio. Ms. Mini has handled various positions in Jewellery Industry over the years and a specialist in understanding Jewellery forecast. Currently, she has forayed into furniture designing along with her impressive jewellery career. Ms. Mini focused on three points for the workshop, the importance and understanding of forecast, the need of having an impressive portfolio and running a business.

Forecast in jewellery is understanding the future needs of a customer, it says about the trends that women will be looking forward to the next year. Ultra Violet which is declared as the colour for the year 2018 plays a major role in jewellery too. Clients are always on a hunt for unique jewellery pieces which makes them stand out. Once the trends are understood the next step is to create products and pieces with a twist or different using these trends. The trick lies where we can easily use these trends and colours in building a creative line of designs marking your entry in the Jewellery industry.

Trend Forecast and Portfolio building in Jewellery Industry

Like forecast, building an impressive portfolio plays a major role in getting an entry in the market. As the saying “first impression is the best impression” makes a sense in this world. It’s a competitive world where portfolio matters a lot. An impressive collection or portfolio is where a student’s imagination plays a role, where he or she tries to do a fusion of their creative ideas along with the trends.  The presentation plays an important role, where the layout and pattern create the impression the student is looking for.

Trend Forecast and Portfolio building in Jewellery Industry

Running a business isn’t easy as it was years ago, more and more people are interested in running their own brand. Its important to know the market before starting your own business. The market plays a major role, once you know the market and trends, add your imagination skill into it. A successful entrepreneur takes a couple of years to make their brand visible. Patience and virtue is an essential skill which is required along with the talent and education of an entrepreneur.

Trend Forecast and Portfolio building in Jewellery Industry

The workshop also included about the bloggers and other jewellery brands which one must follow to understand the market. The workshop was concluded with Q&A where the student’s queries were handled by Ms. Mini. Our student Akshita Jain quoted that “The session was very helpful as it gave us a lot of information about the currently running world and gave us a clear idea about trends and fashion and they are hoping for more sessions from JD Institute”.

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