Things To Consider Before Getting A Hair Colour

Things To Consider Before Getting A Hair Colour
Hair Styling

Things To Consider Before Getting A Hair Colour

Hair colour over time has become more popular. The easy accessibility to colours and the decrease in overall cost, is pushing more and more people to get their dreamy colours and experiment with the hair.

Taking the same route, a few weeks back I took a stroll around the hair salon. I reached the space and requested the Senior Hair Stylist to give a new look by colouring my hair platinum. The thought of it was exhilarating but when she did the check of my hair, she blatantly said not to get it done. Reason being my hair strands are fine and won’t be able to sustain the process. This broke my heart but did good to my hair.

This incidence is common. This made me realise how important it is to keep certain aspects in mind before going through the process of colouring the hair. Hence to make it easy for you, we will jot down a few points that you should consider before going for a hair colour transformation.

1. Analyse and Consult:

Before taking the step to colour your hair, do consult a good hair stylist who has done some notable work. Trust us, this is a good time to consult your friends to find the best hair stylist and take their opinion about your hair, the best colour according to the skin tone and the post colouring maintenance.  Do not hesitate in taking the opinion of 2-3 Hair Stylists. Moreover, you can also check the result of it ahead by getting a patch test done. Taking this step will help you in understanding your hair needs and might save those extra bucks for you.Things To Consider Before Getting A Hair Colour

2. Do not Shampoo:

Before going for your hair colour session, do not shampoo your hair. Shampoo removes the natural oil produced by your scalp that acts as a protective layer and does damage control. There is a possibility that some chemicals of the colour might irritate your scalp. The risk of it happening increases if you shampoo your hair just ahead of colouring. Moreover, it’s a myth that your freshly washed hair absorbs colour better. So, do go to the salon with unkempt hair.Things To Consider Before Getting A Hair Colour

3. Don’t Get Stuck To Inspiration:

Inspirations are good but holding on to it does not lead to growth. Following the steps of your inspiration is a commendable job but expressing your individuality is a must. Before applying those hair colours, apply this thought in it. Every individual is different and hence the effect of colour comes out differently. Accept and do take the advice from your hair stylist.  And always be patient and prepared to witness a unique result.Things To Consider Before Getting A Hair Colour

4. Good Maintenance:

Maintaining your hair becomes important post colouring. Do your thorough research and follow the little guidelines of maintaining a good hair quality. Regular hair spa, using good quality shampoo suitable for your hair condition, use of colour protectant products are some of the nitty gritty that you should follow. Moreover, do ask your hair Stylist about the usual procedure to follow and adhere to it.

Things To Consider Before Getting A Hair Colour

Hair Colour changes the overall personality. But before jumping into the trend always be braced up with its different aspects and do not lose your hair. Losing out on hair quality in the name of trend is not good as certain elements can cause permanent damage. However, taking measures and following the guidelines recommended by hair stylist always help in keeping your hair quality intact.

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