Russian Cubic Zirconia Jewellery – Alternative to Diamond Jewellery

Russian Cubic Zirconia Jewellery – Alternative to Diamond Jewellery
Jewellery Design

Russian Cubic Zirconia Jewellery – Alternative to Diamond Jewellery

Russian Cubic Zirconia works as a substitute for diamonds as not everyone can afford to buy diamonds. They are the best man-made version available in the market today. A good quality cubic zirconia is identical to diamonds making it impossible even for some jewellers to tell the difference without the aid of gemologists tool. In terms of cost too, the cubic zirconia jewellery is 75% less than the cost of diamonds.

Russian Cubic Zirconia Jewellery – Alternative to Diamond Jewellery
Cubic zirconia is a befitting substitute to a diamond

There are other synthetic diamonds that are present in the market. The moissanite introduced in the 1990s, is a mineral formed in laboratories as a replacement for diamond.  It has become a favourite in fine jewelry collection.  The moissante matches the hardness of the diamond, however it is not cost effective. The Diamond Nexus is another substitute which is processed through a scientific technique.  It possesses all the qualities of a diamond from the hardness to the brilliance and fire. Russian Cubic Zirconia Jewellery – Alternative to Diamond Jewellery

The other replacement for a diamond is the Russian cubic zirconia, which is a highest quality of cubic zirconia.  The Russian cubic zirconia used in jewellery features superior cutting and polishing techniques. The quality of the stone alongwith the brilliance and fire as found in a diamond is accomplished with masterful cutting and polishing techniques. The Russian cubic zirconia used in jewellery making are handpicked from the highest quality raw stones, hand-cut by master-cutters and hand polished.  The difference between Russian cubic zirconia and diamonds are barely visible when they are compared by experts.  The experts have to use advanced gemological tools to identify the differences between the Russian cubic zirconia and a diamond.  As the Russian cubic zirconia has more dissemination with light than a diamond, they have a profusion of fire and brilliance.

The Russian Cubic Zirconia is a highest quality cubic zirconia. The spark and brilliance of diamonds and economical. As students of Jewellery Design it is important to understand substitutes of various precious stones. To learn more, enroll in the 1year Diploma in Fine Jewellery Design program in one of the best jewellery designing institutes in Bangalore.

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Russian Cubic Zirconia Jewellery – Alternative to Diamond Jewellery

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