Outdoor Study – Interior Department – JD Institute of Fashion Technology

Outdoor Study (1)
Interior Design Bangalore JDADA – 2017Interior Design DepartmentJD Annual Design AwardsJDADA 2017Student's Corner

Outdoor Study – Interior Department – JD Institute of Fashion Technology

For the outdoor classes with Diploma students we went to National Gallery of Modern Art. One of the most important Gallery in India with huge collection of Indian art. It was a heartwarming experience for the students.

We had a guided tour in the gallery by the curator who was explaining all the paintings. Students got to know the stylistic difference of Mughal miniature to company painting, use of earth colors in Indian painting use of perspective in Indian art history.

At last we had an outdoor sketching class with the student, they were instructed to sit at any place and sketch whatever they see in front of them in perspective.

I could see a drastic change in student’s confidence with sketching in outdoor class. All total it was an amazing experience.

Outdoor Study (1)

Outdoor Study (6)

Outdoor Study (7)

Outdoor Study (8)

Outdoor Study (3)

Outdoor Study (2)

Outdoor Study (9)

Outdoor Study (5)

Outdoor Study (4)


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