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Micro Mansion A Tribute To Aakriti Kumar (1)

Designer: Aishwarya Karkal

Micro Mansion – A Tribute To Aakriti Kumar

Aspiring Interior Designer Aishwarya Karkal presented her project ‘Micro Mansion’ that pays tribute to Aakriti Kumar at JD Design Awards 2023- Bangalore Edition. The designer is pursuing her MSc in Interior Design from JD School of Design

The concept of Micro Mansion was derived from the concept of PG Accommodation. As PG is the most trusted and easy way of accommodation one can find in a new city after emigrating for work or educational purposes. But at times people also suffer from a lot of discomforts such as the taste of food and space. Food plays a very important role in one’s life. Few of them find it difficult to adjust to a different kind of food. Space being the most important aspect of comfort, people are forced to share rooms with strangers at times which leads to mental and physical discomforts in PGs. Most of the PGs are not well furnished and maintained. So, people move out to independent flats or houses to have a comforting lifestyle. In such a case the micro apartment concept finds its way as one of the best solutions ergonomically.  

Micro-apartments are exactly what they sound like—tiny, space-saving dwellings that are typically smaller than studio apartments, ranging in size from 100 to 500 square feet. The Urban Land Institute describes a ‘micro-apartment’ as “a small studio apartment, often less than 350 square feet, with a fully functional and accessibility compliant kitchen and bathroom. 

The advantages of Micro Mansion include:

  • Affordability
  • Reduced cleaning
  • Self cooking option as a fully functional kitchen is installed.

The challenges that the designer faced in curating Micro Mansion are to find live case study building and the live site.

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JDDA 2023

Photography Credits: Prem Pandora, Sundar, Vasanth

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