MA in User Experience and Interaction Design (UI/UX)
2 Years

MA in User Experience and Interaction Design (UI/UX) – 2 Years

MA in User Experience and Interaction Design (UIUX) 2 Years (Sunrise University)

About Course

Master of Arts or MA in User Experience and Interaction Design (UI/UX) is a two-year program offered by JD Institute of Fashion Technology centres in Bengaluru, Cochin, Hyderabad and Vijayawada. The course enables students to become better visual artists and advance their understanding and implementation of visual design to enhance user experience. The program pedagogy supports the exploration of innovative methodologies and fosters the development of specialised skills in conceptualisation, prototyping and problem-solving within the digital framework to create an augmented and efficient user-centred experience.

User Experience design is user-centred design. The goal is to identify, conceptualise and design artefacts that allow users to meet their needs in the most efficient and user-friendly way. The course introduces the cohort to a cycle of discovery and evaluation through a pedagogy that supports them to apply innovative and adaptive methodologies to meet user-needs and solve potential problems. The students will learn how to generate design ideas and techniques for prototypes, and how to use them to get feedback from other stakeholders like teammates, clients and users. Moreover they learn how to design technologies that bring people joy. Emphasis and understanding is given to the principles of visual design, perception, and cognition that inform effective interaction design.

Course Overview

The scope, role and potential of User Experience and Interaction Design is expanding globally due to the advancement of digital technology allowing for more innovative applications. With an increased reliability on digital technologies as the current climate of the world demands, advantage should be taken of the present and future technological resources to create media-experiences that are engaging, interactive and dynamic for an efficient and reliable way of working. To compete in today’s growing market, students must have the tools necessary to identify and solve problems efficiently, including the application of practical interactive knowledge, technological skills, development, production and post-production knowledge, visual communication skills and information literacy. This is what the M.A. in User Experience and Interaction Design degree prepares its graduates for in the program; along with the necessary skills to challenge, innovate and create new standards of communication and interaction that reflect the current global needs.

Learning Outcomes

Career Opportunities

Reasons To Apply

Course Structure

Semester I
  • Fundamentals of UI/UX
  • Human Psychology in Design & Interaction
  • Elements of Visual Identity
  • Digital Design I
  • Design Research
Semester II
  • User Research and Analysis
  • Visual Design Principles
  • Persona Development
  • HCI – Human Computer Interaction
  • Digital Design II
  • Design Research II (UI)
Semester III
  • Fundamentals of Wireframing
  • Principles of UX
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Product Design Thinking
  • Elective – Designing for Emerging Technologies
  • Prototyping & Testing
  • Digital Design III
  • Design Research III
Semester IV
  • UI Research Portfolio
  • Experience Design
  • Sustainable Designs
  • Elective – Integration of AI & ML
  • Capstone Project
  • UX Portfolio
  • Portfolio Development
  • JD Design Awards