JD Design Awards 2024
LOView JD Design Awards 2024 (1)

Kavana KB

Diploma in Interior Design, Bengaluru

LOView – JD Design Awards 2024

Kavana KB, a student of the Diploma in Interior Design at JD Institute of Fashion Technology Bangalore, was recently awarded the JD Design Award for the Best Virtual Experience. Kavana’s innovative idea, LOView, is a futuristic form of the conventional modelling of funerals, which intends to solve the problems created by the increase in the standard of population density and therefore the lack of space for burial grounds.

these are fictional insects which are chosen to present ingarment insects are Electric firefly,Butterfly,Bio inspired bees, caterpillar, spider, mantis, beetle, fly,scorpion. Design the wire sculptures to be worn over solidcoloured and structured garments, enhancing the overalllook. Material Selection: suitable materialsfor the wire sculptures is aluminium wire where the thicknessof the wire will be around 12 to 14 gauge.and for the garment will be used lachka fabric will be use forthe crisp and steady effect.

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event management course


JDDA 2024

LOView offers a futuristic approach to the ever-increasing problem of space deficits in conventional burial grounds. Recognising the effects of typical burial and cremation solutions on the environment, Kavana’s idea is based on human body composting. This global-friendly method is meant for putting deceased people with organic objects in vases where they follow the process of biodegradation within 30–40 days. The obtained compost is like topsoil used in plant nurseries, so it returns individuals to nature in a cyclical way.


Loving the natural settings of burial concepts, Kavana incorporates into LOView several aspects that would help to explicate the existing emotions and environmental issues of burials. It is effective in preventing the loss of land while at the same time reducing air and water pollution resulting from cremations, thus providing a dignified and sustainable way of handling the mortal remains of deceased persons.

The advanced outlook of LOView, which is strategic for addressing needs arising from a growing population in an international environment, is also embraced. Sustainability and reusability of materials are employed in the context of LOView, making it clear that Kavana is in harmony with nature. The material board contains natural and recycled materials for the concept’s main idea of a sustainable environment and a non-waste approach. Calmness is the mood associated with LOView, with the restrained colour scheme and organic materials reflecting on the chosen mood board. As intended to establish a connection between the interior and nature, the area creates a peaceful and sacred atmosphere.


It provides comfort to those who want to think about and remember their loved ones, and it changes the concept of burial grounds from being gloomy places that promote death to important stages in the human life cycle. Considering the willingness to put time and effort into achieving what they do as well as contributing to the preservation of the natural surroundings, Kavana KB’s idea of using LOView is not only focused on solving practical issues but also on developing an understanding of nature.

Kavana KB

Diploma in Interior Design, Bengaluru
