Lantern Lights – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
08/08/2017 2020-03-12 8:59Lantern Lights – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Lantern Lights – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
Lantern Lights – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
Product Name: Lantern Lights
Students Name: Kavyashree. R and Vidhya. H
Lantern Lights is a light fixture which is inspired by the idea of saving animals and using them as an inspiration for a product. The designers shaped the light fixture in an interesting manner by giving it a shape of a deer. They used MDF wood which is completely environmentally friendly. The fixture is compact and a perfect for places with space constraints. Every household which faces space constraint requires a piece of light fixture that serves the basic purpose of illumination and acts as a lampshade giving a pattern of light for space.
Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
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Lantern Lights – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017…!