Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022

Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022
Events - Bangalore

Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022

The Jediiians Open House held inside the premises of JD Institute of Fashion Technology and JD School of Design gave a glance of Jediiians work for the upcoming JD Design Awards 2022. The happy parents’ faces, impressed industry personnels and proud mentors were the emotions we noticed along with our students taking the stage before the grand event.

A lot of energy and enthusiasm was seen in the campus from 8th of June till 10th of June 2022.  The three day long event was Jediiians’ Open House where the students of JD Institute of Fashion Technology and JD School of Design gave a glimpse of their designs ahead of JD Design Awards 2022.

The event was held to boost confidence and zeal in the Jediiians, who have been working diligently and around the clock to give a physical shape to their vision. In the Open House, students were spread in eight different rooms of the campus, where they exhibited their sketches, their design inspiration, the pathway and the other elements that gave rise to their collections.

The event was held for the Jediiians who are pursuing their Fashion Design and Jewelry Design course from the institute. Both the departments worked tirelessly ahead of their Open House which served as a base for them to present the idea of their design before the result. The event which was spread across three days was open for friends, family members, relatives and industry people, who can come and take a look at the work of our students.

Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022

The footfall was huge as many parents came and witnessed the design learning of their children. They entered the campus with anticipation and curious faces, while leaving their faces were lit, happy, and proud to witness the work of their kids. The immense joy that filled their heart was unparalleled and gave a melting moment to the institute for raising a generation of responsible designers who with their each and every step want to create a thought-provoking and hard-hitting statement.

Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022

Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022The Jediiians for their Open House assembled in the morning and arranged their exhibits aptly to capture the attention of the visitors. They not only put up a display but also showed the document of the entire process. When asked, they explained the idea, the innovation and the procedure they went through while making their design. The students spoke how they experimented with various eco-friendly and sustainable fabrics along with natural dyes.

While having a conversation with the aspiring designers of JD Institute and JD School of Design, we also got to know the procedure and the intricate methods they followed to make their design speak. The students are following the five pathways of the grand JD Design Awards 2022. The pathways are curated with research that helps in the professional as well as personal growth. It aims to make a statement, solve a problem through ergonomic design, inspire a group, imagine the future with visionary eyes and kindle aspiration in everyone.

If we have to give a little glimpse of the same, then our future designers are assessing and trying out fabrics made out of hemp, bamboo, kombucha and more. While for the dyes, they are utilizing the peels of fruits and vegetables that deliver vibrant shade to the garments.

Moreover, the jewelry designers are trying to convey emotions through their works and are going ahead with sustainable gemstones and materials to curate different jewelry pieces. The Jediiians are indulging in the art of making jewelry out of coconut shards, areca nuts and are not just stopping there by curating accessories like belts out of it.Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022

The parents, friends, relatives and grand industrial names who entered the premises were astounded by the work laid by the Jediiians and are very enthralled to witness the result in JD Design Awards 2022.

Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022As we spoke with a few parents, they also expressed their gratitude to the institute for giving its students a quality education, based on which they have been able to get impressive results.

Post the Jediiians’ Open House, two days of Jury round would be organized where the Fashion Design students will also showcase their final, rendered garments to a bench of members, i.e., hMr Nealesh Dalal, Managing Trustee, Ms Sandra Agnes D’souza, Director South and Mr Pramod Adhikari, Chief Mentor will be going through the design outcomes of Jediiians and giving their feedback to fast track their work for the best result.

Jediiians Open House A Glance Of Designers Work Before JD Design Awards 2022 8

JD Institute of Fashion Technology and JD School of Design strive to bring the best to the design industry. With their quality approach, the institute takes their students through a journey of development. The voyage starts when the students decide to follow their passion and enroll in the courses offered by the design institute. Combined with the students’ diligent work and guidance from the well-learned mentors, the curriculum also exposes the jediiians to the industry work culture, market research and multiple projects. Through these rigorous activities, the students get to hone their skills and make a career out of their passion and dream.

Jediiians’ Open House, A Glance Of Designers’ Work Before JD Design Awards 2022The Jediiians Open House was the apt example of how the institute wanted to appreciate and encourage its students to participate in grand competitions and express their creativity. It shows how the jediiians are turning out to be responsible designers with a common ambition of making the world a better place for all.

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