Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module

Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module
Academic Exhibitions - Bangalore

Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module

The pedagogy of today’s educational system has changed. With the influx of various new-age courses and the rise of the design field, education has taken a practical approach to provide maximum exposure to the learners. Since we are on a topic of the Design Industry and the change in education system, we recently witnessed the students of Interior Design take the exhibition pathway to showcase their work and receive feedback from the market experts.

JD Institute of Fashion Technology Bangalore always appreciates and encourages the learners to get the best out of their classroom training. The mentors always push the aspiring designers to break the boundaries and create extraordinary. Moreover, whenever a particular module is completed for any batch of students, mentors organise displays or workshops to bring the learners constructive feedback. These steps not only clear the learners’ concepts but also help them grow and understand consumer psychology.

The aspirants who are pursuing Diploma in Interior Design have put up a small display of their work inside the campus. The June 2022 batch of aspiring Interior Designers exhibited their learning from the Design Foundation module. Under the mentorship of Ms Rohini Priyadarshi, interior design aspirants underwent lots of theoretical learning as well as hands-on activities.Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module


The display featured works like Sketching, Rendering, Perspective Views, Principles, and Elements of Design. Students also attempted to create Process Books and Research Sheets, which serve as story narrations for each topic and aid in the long-term retention of information.
Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module

Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module

Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module

The entire exhibition was well-organised. Mentors and students from other departments also visited it and showed their interest in it. It also served as a platform for the mentors to ask questions to the students to understand their learning. The interior design aspirants also received feedback about their work from the market experts.  Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module

The academic exhibition which is an integral part of JD Institute of Fashion Technology Bangalore is an experience that ensures the overall growth of the learners. To interior design aspirants, it helps in understanding the space and consumer psychology along with bringing necessary exposure. Interior Design Display On Design Foundation Module

In today’s time, education is about deeper understanding which should be met with a rigorous curriculum. JD Institute of Fashion Technology understands these requirements in order to deliver market experts in the design domain. The institute offers various short term as well as degree courses in the domain of interior design. The courses are tailor made for the aspirants that help them grow and bring innovation to the design industry.

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