India Skill Development state-level Competition 2021 co-hosted by JD

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Events - Bangalore

India Skill Development state-level Competition 2021 co-hosted by JD

India Skill Development Competition 2021 was held on the 10th of April at JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru. The India Skill Competition is a project by the NSDC (National Skill Development Cooperation), where youth across the nation participate in different levels to showcase and develop their skills.  There are 5 levels to this competition:

  1. District Level
  2. State Level
  3. Regional Level
  4. National Level
  5. World Skills Competition
An orientation was given to the students prior to the commencement of the competition

The State Level competition facilitated by KSDC (Karnataka Skills Development Cooperation) was held at JD Institute of Fashion Technology. The institute which co-hosted the competition was also the Jury Partner, and it was attended by participants who were qualified at the district level. The Institute provided the participants with all the materials required for them to compete efficiently.

JD team and KSDC official
The Karnataka state-level competition of India Skill 2021 was co-hosted at JD Institute of Fashion Technology
KSDC official addressign students
The KSDC official Mr. Shashidhar addressing the participants before the start of the competition

The competition was held between 9 AM to 6 PM. The following two categories were held at the institute:

  1. Visual Merchandising 
  2. Fashion Designing


The visual merchandising competition had 5 participants in total. They were given a briefing on the competition and its requirements. The theme given to them was, ‘The Future is Now…’ which was to be an interpretation of change in traditional window display post the pandemic. The competition was held in 3 modules:

  1. Research and Mood Board: The timings for this module was from 9 AM to 11 AM where the participants were asked to mind-map their ideas into a mood board using different elements and images as required. Their research was done using their electronic devices.
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Participant creating their moodboard

2. Theme Interpretation and Rough Design Sketch: This module was also conducted along with the previous module i.e., 9 AM to 11 PM. They were asked to make a rough sketch of their design on the sheet that was provided to them.

VM - theme interpretation
Theme interpretation in progress

3. Final Design and Visual Design Note: was held between 12 PM to 4 PM, where they were asked to bring to life their design in the form of a 3D model using the materials that were provided to them at their work stations.

VM - creating 3D model
Participant creating their 3D model


The fashion designing competition had 13 participants in total. They were also given a briefing on the competition requirements along with the theme, ‘Fast Fashion‘. The competition was held from 9 AM to 5:30 PM, which was divided into 4 modules:

  1. Fashion Illustration and Technical Drawing: Timing for this module was held between 9 AM to 10 AM. In this module, they were given swatches of fabric to implement in their design by using the texture, colour, and print, and a croquis template over which their illustration was to be made. Along with their illustration, they were asked to create a tech pack and cost sheet for the designed garment.
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Illustration and technical drawing module

2. Draping: This module was held between 10 AM to 11 AM, where the participants were given the printout of a garment that is to be draped onto the mannequin. For this module, the materials were provided by the institute.

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Participant draping their design

3. Pattern Construction: was held between 12 PM to 2 PM, where the participants were given sloper to create a pattern using the dart manipulation method.

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Transferring pattern to fabric

4. Garment Construction: This was the final module that was held between 2 PM to 4 PM, where they were asked to stitch the pattern they had created in the previous module. For this module, they were provided efficient fabric to complete their design.

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Garment construction in progress

India Skills Competition will further choose 2 winners from each category to move forward to the regional level. By co-hosting this competition, JD continues its purpose of supporting its students as well as other aspiring designers to develop and showcase their skills in various categories and departments of fashion and design. The institute provides students with the platform and exposure to develop their creative careers through events such as this competition, be it national or international level. The chosen competitors in the State level will be mentored and guided by JD Institute of Fashion Technology for the next level in the competition.

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