How to make your own jewellery using beads?

How to make your own jewellery using beads?
Jewellery Design

How to make your own jewellery using beads?

Jewellery can also be handmade. This method helps to create jewellery that can be made to match outfits and the personality of the wearer. These can be done using the most inexpensive materials if one is just starting out and wants to explore the art of creating jewellery.

How to make your own jewellery using beads? jewellery - Handmade jewellery - How to make your own jewellery using beads?

Colourful beads

An example of handmade jewellery is a necklace. Inorder to create one in the most inexpensive manner one can use beads which are economical. One can make it either colorful by using different coloured beads or one can even use singular coloured beads. While creating the neckpiece one must bear in mind the kind of outfit colours that can go alongwith the necklace. This way the colour of the necklace will complement the dress being worn by the client or even by yourself. Once the colours of the beads are determined for the necklace, next should be the pattern. This can be done by either alternating colours or shapes, or making all of the beads the same size and colour.

How to make your own jewellery using beads? jewellery - Bead necklace - How to make your own jewellery using beads?

Beaded necklace

Creativity should be of utmost importance while creating the necklace. While purchasing the beads one must not forget the concept of the necklace to be created. You can pick out the regular ones and some that will be the focal point that are bigger. These bigger beads can be used when you choose wire instead of string for your necklace, just one or two beads for the whole piece are enough. Choice can be made between attractive beads, such as wooden beads, ceramic or even glass pieces.

How to make your own jewellery using beads? jewellery - Bead rings - How to make your own jewellery using beads?

Beaded rings

For rings, you will only need beads and wire. Ensure that the wire is cut based on the measurement of the finger of the client or your finger if it is meant for you. The wire needs to be twisted around your finger making a circle to fit the finger. The ends have to be kept long to string the beads on the edges. Make a ball of wire to maintain the final bead on each strand in its place and then keep the beaded strands as individuals strands or twist them into a ball.

Earrings can also be fashioned out from beads. Earring components are sold at most of the craft stores. ( Hence, one can work around creating earrings easily. You can additional decorative elements like ribbons or strand of beads.

Similar methods can be used to make bracelets and anklets. Just twist together bare wire and beaded wire to make a nice combination or fashion attractive wire shapes with just a pair of needle-nosed pliers. You only need to include a nice object that fits and make some loops in the wire and create your own charm bracelet.

How to make your own jewellery using beads? jewellery - Bead anklet - How to make your own jewellery using beads?

Beaded anklets

How to make your own jewellery using beads? jewellery - Bead bracelet - How to make your own jewellery using beads?

Beaded bracelet

Jewellery making can be enjoyed by novices. This helps to bring about one’s creative side. Learn all about jewellery design and jewellery making by enrolling for 1year Diploma in Fine Jewellery Design at one of the best jewellery designing institutes in Bangalore.

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How to make your own jewellery using beads?

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