How to Create a Fashion Collection with a Purpose

How to Create a Fashion Collection with a Purpose (8)
Fashion DesignFashion Textile Design

How to Create a Fashion Collection with a Purpose

Fashion in the contemporary age or the world is much more than a mirror image and personal elegance. Most designers today are designing fashion in support of specific social or environmental concerns thus appealing to the modern-day heart and soul of the consumer. Whether it is social responsibility, environmentally friendly, or fair labour practices, incorporating tips for fashion collection can do wonders for your brand. In this blog post, we will be using the guide to build fashion collection with a purpose and we will also use the example of JD Institute alumni we have worked with. 

Step 1: Define Your Purpose to create a fashion collection

How to Create a Fashion Collection with a Purpose (1)

This means before you start creating content you have to set the specific aim of your selling. 

When planning to come up with steps to create a fashion collection, it is vital that you first identify the social cause that you would wish to address. Your purpose is also influential in forming your collection and ensuring your brand’s values are passed on to your audience. Some of the JD Institute alumni have decided to go all out and make a zero-waste collection out of upcycling.  

Step 2: Investigate the root of the issue 

To identify the root of the issue, the marketer has to research the cause. 

If you have set your focus on a particular issue, then devote time to study about the issue. One must get to the root of the problem being a social or environmental concern when attempting to create a fashion collection. See what every other brand is offering in the market, especially in your targeted segment and look at how you can distinguish your collection. It will also aid in the determination of the ethical ways of sourcing materials, and fabrics and practising sustainable production. 

Tip: JD Institute alumna has paid special attention to the fact that the collection did not hurt the environment and suppliers were paid fairly using organic cotton. 

Step 3: Select Responsibility and Environment-Friendly Fabric 

How to Create a Fashion Collection with a Purpose (7)

Materials are one of the most important considerations in the steps to create a fashion collection. Using sustainable materials like organic cotton, Tencel, and even recycled polyester as your brand’s fabric is one way of making the world a better place. Ethical sourcing also occupies the idea of where and how the necessary materials are to be produced. 

Let’s consider an alumni of JD Institute who has collaborated with artisans in her area to get sustainable silk without compromising the Indonesian fabric’s quality. 

Step 4: Design with Intention 

How to Create a Fashion Collection with a Purpose (6)

This step involves selecting the right design to support our idea and to guide users’ interactions with the product. 

And here we get to the interesting part — designing fashion collection. Remember your purpose throughout the process of writing an essay. For instance, if you are fighting for women’s rights, or the rights of people with disabilities or for environment or culture, your designs should depict that. Now think of how the choice of colours, the sort of materials used for the clothes, and the design of the garments reflect your values. 

Another graduate of JD Institute has incorporated manifestations of liberty and gender-blind avalanches of oversized silhouettes and tropes of breathable fabrics. 

Step 5: Use Intentional Production Plan

How to Create a Fashion Collection with a Purpose (2)So let me introduce you to what you have to do after designing your collection: Production. When starting a shoe collection or expanding it, it is possible to think about ethical labour practices and sustainable manufacturing. This means sourcing products through factories or workshops that pay the workers a decent wage and treat them rightly. Small production runs that are bought locally can also reduce the level of carbon emission. 

For the JD Institute design collection, one of the best alumni has worked with women’s cooperatives paying fair wages to the workers and providing safe working conditions. 

Step 6: Marketing with Meaning 

How to Create a Fashion Collection with a Purpose (3)

 But marketing comes in as the final factor of collection design and development processes to inform the world about its purpose. Today’s customers desire transparency and therefore tell your story as it is. Emphasise that your brand has a given cause, the type of fabric and the manufacturing ethicality of the collection. 

A student of JD Institute, created the entire social media theme that encompassed his brand focusing on the women artisans who weaved his collection. 

Step 7: Interact with the End-users 

As you may expect, a purpose-driven fashion brand’s collection will draw certain consumers who are like-minded and supportive of your purpose. Of course, you should take advantage of this by engaging with your fans. Arrange some activities, cooperate with like-minded people and get involved in the discussions on environmental protection or support for a certain cause. 

Alumna create a fashion collection while conducting a workshop on zero-waste principles, which made her buyers more interested in the brand’s message. 

Creating a designing fashion collection does not come without careful planning and forethought believe it is worth the effort. They provide the guidelines and steps to start with a cause that is clear, research, design, and produce ethically, and market genuinely- to design a fashionable collection that also has purpose. From the alumni of JD Institute, we have seen that it is very much possible to create a fashion collection of clothes that are concerned with impact as well.