How To Become UI Designer: All You Need To Learn

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How To Become UI Designer: All You Need To Learn

Since the first software was released, UI design has been essential to the success of every software. The popularity of an app—desktop or mobile—is primarily determined by how appealing its user interface (UI) is. This is also why firms invest significantly in experienced and innovative designers who know the ins and outs of design. If ingenious interfaces have always awed you, you would have surely wondered how to become a UI designer.

To gain clarity on the path toward becoming a skilled UI Designer, read on till the very end.

Importance of UI Design in the Digital World

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Besides a strong USP, a pleasing and understandable interface is critical to keep a user engaged. With technology becoming more complex, simplicity in usage is key to capturing attention. Also, with industries going digital today, making complex machines intuitive to users is a non-negotiable rule. Be it an ATM or even a VR device, there is little chance of its success if your designed interface isn’t understandable.

Needless to say, UI design is significant to the overall user experience. The button, toggle bars, keys and screen must be accessible, functional and engaging. Even with sophisticated UI designer tools, designers must brainstorm consistently to create the perfect interface. And the right design also undergoes consistent upgrades whenever needed to stay relevant to its users.

This was to give you an idea of what is UI designer role in the digital world. Further, due to the highly technical aspect of UI design, you might wonder does UI design require coding abilities. Let’s find out in the next section.

Unfurling the Technical Know-Hows of UI Design

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Proficiency in UI designer technical skills is essential for creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces. And although anything technology and software are usually connected to coding, it is different when it comes to UI design. Simply stated, you need not be a coding ninja to break into the UI design industry.

So What makes a good UI designer is beyond just coding and programming. A little creativity, innovation, an understanding of trends and knowledge of UI design tools is enough to get you started. These tools include AdobeXD, Sketch, Figma and Canva, and you can get started with any of these with just a little training. But if you are determined to take your skills a notch up, obtaining basic coding is advisable. Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript can take you further ahead in understanding user interactions and, thereby, user interface even better.

Besides, a UI designer must know how to put themselves in place of users and anticipate the kind of response each element could bring. Research, Prototype and Test are key aspects when it comes to creating an engaging design. To summarise, a UI designer required skills include emphasising, creating, innovating, testing, upgrading, and the cycle continues.

So how does one use UI design skills to create a career in this domain?

Starting with UI Designing- The First Step

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Once you are familiar with the tools and techniques in UI design, it’s only suggestible to start taking up projects. While you can initially take up dummy projects, or try making existing designs more intuitive, you can also approach prospective clients. These clients can be small business owners trying to launch their own websites or applications, or you can intern in a design firm.

Once you gain significant experience, start building a portfolio of your work and approaching clients that offer more challenging assignments. It’s necessary to start building connections, consistently learning and implementing, and approaching potential prospects to dive into the world of design. Or, if you have the essential UI designer qualifications, you can go on to work in established firms and contribute to their existing or new designs.

As understood, a UI designer’s journey is a consistent path of learning and experimenting. This brings up the next question, is there a significant difference between UI designing and UX designing?

Difference Between UI Designer and UX Designer

Before choosing a career in design, it’s essential to clearly understand the UI designer and UX designer difference and how their roles intersect. When it comes to designing visual aspects, both UI and UX play a significant role.

As understood, UI designing involves creating a digital product’s visual aspects. UX design, on the other hand, is more about building an overall experience for the users. This means that UX designing involves setting goals, understanding users’ behaviour, and providing a seamless experience. Although both are sometimes used interchangeably, as graphic designers, it is important to know the differences.

Next, let’s jump into how you can become an expert UI designer.

Becoming a UI Designer- Simplifying the Journey

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Starting a career as a UI Designer does not require you to undergo a graduation in engineering, as might be the popular notion. You can enrol for a specialised training at a renowned institution, like the JD School of Design. JD School of Design offers a MA in User Experience and Interaction Design for those eager to blend artistic ability with technology.

The curriculum at JDSD aims to equip students in conceptual theories and provide a wholesome practical experience and industry exposure. Thanks to the innovative teaching methodologies, you will surely gain a comprehensive understanding of tools and techniques to help kickstart you career. And no matter your stream of under graduation, your willingness and determination to make a mark in UI design is all required to enrol for the program.

Final Words

UI designing is indeed a much demand career option in the digital world. And with firms competing to capture their target audience, you will love contributing your designs to diverse applications. By now you must have understood how to become UI designer and make a thriving career.

And to kickstart your journey, enrolling for the MA in User Experience and Interaction Design at the JD School of Design is highly suggested. Besides helping you understand user demands, the course will surely equip you with the best practices of conceptualization and problem-solving.

So, give shape to your artistic vision today. Enroll now at the JD School of Design.

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