Hemp Jewellery Making – A Brief Introduction

Hemp Jewellery Making – A Brief Introduction
Jewellery Design

Hemp Jewellery Making – A Brief Introduction

Hemp Jewellery has been and continues to be very popular among both hobbyists and would-be entrepreneurs alike. Commercial hemp is the fiber used in making hemp jewellery, and it is available in numerous arts and crafts stores. Hemp is strong and durable, provides room for customization and it is environment friendly.

Hemp Jewellery Making – A Brief Introduction
Hemp Necklace

Hemp is a type of Cannabis Sativa plant species that is grown exclusively for industrial use and is used to create a varied range of products. These include – rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, biofuel, beauty products, jewellery etc.

Hemp Jewellery Making – A Brief Introduction
Hemp leaves

Hemp jewellery has been associated with the hippie culture of the 1960s and has evolved since to fit into the current fashion trends. It is made out of hemp twine and is available in a number of colours and textures. However, the natural tan colour is the most popular.

While selecting hemp twine for the purpose of hemp jewellery making it is important to keep in mind the thickness and ensure that it is even and smooth.  Hemp twine needs to be waxed – either done by oneself or buy already waxed hemp twine. Wax helps to keep the hemp fibers from fraying and gives the finished product a uniform appearance. Too many supplies are not required to create hemp jewellery. However, if one wishes beads can be added to add a dash of colour. The beads need to have holes large enough to let the hemp twine through.

Hemp Jewellery Making – A Brief Introduction
Waxed Hemp Twine of different colours
Hemp Jewellery Making – A Brief Introduction
Macrame Knots

Making hemp jewellery is easy and does not take much getting used to. It is similar to macrame as it involves a lot of knot-tying or braiding. One can take the liberty to experiment with various knots and weaves to create unique and attractive patterns. One can create several hemp jewellery pieces like rings, necklaces, bracelets and anklets.

Hemp jewellery making does not have to be restricted to a certain genre or style. What is important is the fun factor involved in creating something that is handmade. Aspiring jewellery design students need to understand that jewellery is not just of one type. Apart from use of metals, gemstones and other precious and semi-precious stones, one can also use inexpensive materials to create something elegant. Enroll in the 1year Diploma in Fine Jewellery Design to learn about various forms of jewellery at one of the best jewellery designing institutes in Bangalore.

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Hemp Jewellery Making – A Brief Introduction

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