Seminars - Bangalore



As part of the recently concluded Bengaluru By Design 2019 consortium, Design Day themed Future of Making was organized in partnership with Titan at their campus at Electronic City on 19th November 2019 for the second consecutive year. The panelists consisted of an august gathering of design thinkers, path pavers, convention breakers and visionaries who are contributing towards emerging practices in the field of design and crafts.

The session was four phased:  W

First session termed Design and Crafting futures: Sustainability 2.0 consisted of speakers Karthik Vaidyanathan, Founder, Varnam; Sandeep Sangaru, Multidisciplinary Designer, Educator, Entrepreneur, Sangaru Designs; Jonathan Kennedy, Director Arts India, British Council; Malika Verma Kashyap, Founder Border & Fall and was moderated by Janaka Pushpanathan. The panelists discussed and shared about the future of arts and crafts of India, how to revive, work in tandem with our weavers, craftsmen and artisans to bring awareness to the masses and provide sustained livelihoods. In a world of fast fashion, there is a lack of value in craft. They further pointed out that there needs to be a sustained knowledge of culture and crafts by connecting dots from artisan to market. Also there needs to be provisions for sustained incomes to prevent these craftsmen, artisans and weavers from turning to jobs like driving or manual labour. They stated that craftsmen pick up skills easily and need to be given direction, by facilitating and providing confidence to innovate. The session proposed that there needs to be a unified vision to come together to uplift the craftsmen and craft of the country.

Future of MakingSecond session Design in Turbulent Times had a presentation by Kate Pelen: Creative Producer: College Culture and Community at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, UK, that showcased the projects of graduate students that celebrated the best of sustainable innovation. The works indicated that meaningful changes can be created through diverse applications and innovations. It provided disruptive and compelling propositions for sustainable and equitable futures. This goes onto show that creativity provides an open dialogue and can be the stimulus to inspire and rally positive change.

Third session Future of Making panel consisted of Ayush Kasliwal: Industrial Designer, Founder, AKFD Studio, Jaipur, alongwith artist Polish Architect Jakub Szczęsny, known for his immersive public installations that creates community building on the notion that ‘Design is for everybody’  and was moderated by Anupama Gowda. The session touched upon social consciousness, sustainability and versatility in design. The panelists emphasized that product is not what we see but what happened in the making of it. Design is a principal of organizing and true collaboration is a vision.

Future of Making

The final session was conducted by Lucy Sanderson, Independent Designer and owner of Studio Lucy Sanderson, UK through a presentation on Materiality. She spoke about bringing about equality to environments, conceiving creative and research projects from initial concept to production. She spoke about rethinking actions politically and using materials that already exist.

Design needs to be used as a medium to open dialogue, create livelihoods and bring communities together through a conscious awakening that it forms the basis of a creative ecology. Collaborative efforts can be the harbingers of change.


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