Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement
Events - Bangalore

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement

Fashion Revolution Week is celebrated in the third week of April which coincides to mark the anniversary of one of the biggest disasters experienced in human history – Rana Plaza collapse that took the lives of more than 1100 people and left more than 2500 innocents injured on 24th April 2013. The incident brought to light the plight of the garment factory workers and their poor working conditions and it also brought to the forefront the names of the some of the biggest known fast fashion brands.

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement
Rana Plaza Disaster in Bangladesh in 2013

World’s Largest Fashion Activism Movement

The fourth-largest industrial disaster in history triggered a massive fashion activism movement in the world mobilizing citizens, industry and policymakers through research, education and advocacy work. During the fashion revolution week, the world comes together to ask brands #whomademyclothes to bring to light millions of people working in the fashion supply chain and strive for a positive change in their lives.

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement
Garment Factory Workers

Be Curious. Find Out. Do Something.

What makes the Fashion Revolution Week significant? It is not a revolution ignited by a few social activists fighting for the rights of the workers of the fashion industry. In the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster, the need for a collective movement for the lives of people was felt. It became a revolution comprising people from all walks of life who come together to define the fashion industry. Consumers, campaigners, designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, trade unions, producers, makers and workers unite for one vision in mind – to conserve and restore the environment and value people over growth and profit.

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement
A people’s movement

Fashion Revolution Week 2021 Theme – Rights, Relationships and Revolution

A revolution that began to uplift the lives of people associated with the fashion industry from all over the world believes in systematic and structural change in the global fashion industry thereby lifting millions of people out of poverty. Providing people a decent and dignified livelihood became the motif of the Fashion Revolution Week.  The theme of the Fashion Revolution Week for 2021 is Rights, Relationships and Revolution that revolves around equality for all citizens and ‘when we speak up and work together, we are powerful.’

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement
The Plight of Garment Factory Workers

Even eight years after the tragic incident at Rana Plaza, the lives of people associated with the apparel industry tremble with poverty and are subject to labour abuses in factories, warehouses, textile mills, plantations, dyehouses, and firms.  Fashion Revolution Week acts as the driving force needed to revitalize the dark truths of the fashion industry that is getting subdued under the influence of glamor and modernization of the apparel industry.

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement
Garment Factory Workers

While the humongous wastes and residue from the apparel industry are dumped in landfills, the environment is also becoming a victim to the capitalization of the fashion industry. The Fashion Revolution has been making continuous efforts to throw a spotlight on such harsh realities the apparel industry is hiding behind modernization.

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement
Garment Wastes

Fashion Revolution Week is more than just a thought. We know the names of luxurious brands, types of textiles and designs that these brands offer, but do we really know whose hard work goes behind making the identities of such brands? The fashion revolution week addresses such never-asked-before questions to bring transparency to the clothing sector. It’s high time we as consumers and citizens of the world come together in our own possible ways to stand up for the rights of those people who work to give us a better lifestyle. JD Institute of Fashion Technology also strives for the same and we endorse the same to our students through the various courses we offer in fashion.

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement              JD Institute of Fashion Technology strives for a better future in the fashion industry

Fashion Revolution Week – Largest Fashion Activism Movement

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