Author: JD Institute of Fashion Technology

Deconstructing Suits JD Design Awards 2024
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Fashion Design Goa JDDA - 2024

Deconstructing Suits – JD Design Awards 2024

Snow White A Modern Couture JD Design Awards Thumbnail
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Fashion Design Goa JDDA - 2024

Snow White – A Modern Couture – JD Design Awards 2024

Fashion Through the Eyes of an Architect JD Design Awards 2024
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Fashion Design Goa JDDA - 2024

Fashion Through the Eyes of an Architect – JD Design Awards 2024

Water JD Design Awards 2024 Thumbnail
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Fashion Design Goa JDDA - 2024

Water – JD Design Awards 2024

Diploma in Fashion Design Thumbnail
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Fashion Design Goa JDDA - 2024


Dhakali A Phantasm (2)
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Fashion Design Goa JDDA - 2024

Dhakali : A Phantasm

Women Entrepreneurs Weaving Change Top 5 Inspiring Indian Textile Entrepreneurs Thumbnail
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Textile Design

Women Entrepreneurs: Top 5 Inspiring Indian Women in Textile

Streamoid's PIQIT Workshop at JD Campus (1)
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Workshops - Bangalore

Streamoid’s PIQIT Workshop at JD Campus

Imagination Journey 2023 JD’s International Study Tour OctoberNovember 2023 Thubmnail
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Imagination Journey

Imagination Journey 2023: JD’s International Study Tour October/November 2023

Interior Styling Essentials Workshop to Enable Design Perspectives Thumbnail 770x400
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Workshops - Bangalore

Interior Styling Essentials Workshop to Enable Design Perspectives

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Events - Cochin


Unveiling Art Costume Appreciation and Draping in Fashion Design Thumbnail
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Academic Exhibitions - Bangalore

Unveiling Art, Costume Appreciation, and Draping in Fashion Design