06/06/2020 2024-10-11 20:14CONSCIOUS BUYING – A NEW LIFESTYLE
As an art movement, Minimalism emerged in the 1960s, characterized by extreme simplicity of form and a literal, objective approach to composition. Though it was once the preferred aesthetic of the art world, maximalism—a rejection of simplicity—with its eclectic excess, began to attract the likes of many in recent years.
Maximalist Style was a reaction to the minimalist movement and has aspects and elements that are practically the polar opposite to minimalist components. Both Minimalism and Maximalism started as an art movement. They are two trends that can be applied to many disciplines including fine art, interior design, architecture, and fashion, and both approaches have evolved into a way of life.

Consumed by our hoarding nature, we, humans have failed to realize the importance of sufficiency. The pandemic has sure convoyed fear and disharmony but it has helped us realize the importance of drawing a fine line between what we want and what we need. In terms of consumerism, the lockdown has made a clear cut difference on most of our approach towards the amount of goods bought and also their usage. Humans have always taken everything for granted.
The concept of maximalism was used over and beyond , considering the fact that we bought and spent more than required, wasted over limits and exploited nature without batting an eye. Making the maximum use of minimum resources at its best is the biggest learning for us during this lockdown period.
Drawing a parallel between Needs and Wants : While wants are just our basic desires , that are materialistic and are an additional pleasure, the Needs are our essentials , our basic requirements such as air, water , food which we cannot do without.
While we browsed through various online apps to buy ourselves expensive fast fashioned clothes and accessories, buying recklessly , without the consideration of whether we require so much or not, we put at stake a lot of aspects including environmental changes and disruption in nature. With the pandemic bringing in unemployment and halved earnings, people have been forced to value saving each penny and spending it wisely.

Eating at fancy restaurants and buying fast food online and making it a lifestyle, we have quite forgotten that there is food available at home too. The amount of money one could save, as well as save the planet with various sustainable methods such as the food cooked at home , generally is
- Healthy- Avoiding fast food and improve the quality of living
- Hygienic – planting and growing organic vegetables and fruits at home (terrace farming)
- Learning that cooking isn’t so difficult and that it is a survival kit to be less dependant and self sufficient.
- Reducing the consumption of plastic and other wastes generated by restaurants to parcel the food.

Minimalism is a Spartan experience wherein you practice the art of financial planning and management to free up resources that matter the most to us. It also involves minimalistic extraction from the environment with Sustainability. The online shopping pre- covid time was very impetuous, people just hopped on to the platforms and shopped their hearts out. During the on- going Covid phase people are learning how much money can be saved by cutting down unnecessary expenses. The whole period of minimalism has also helped people channel their energy and focus onto their family and work. Saving money on extraneous expenses isn’t just a simple exercise of saying no, but it is the question of need versus want.

Our futuristic approach must change to conscious buying and conscious containment for the welfare of humanity. Importance should be given in maximizing the practice of minimizing. This lockdown has helped most of us realize that and hence, it is most likely that there will be a huge shift in the consumer behaviour post-COVID phase too. While we know that a great amount of maximist behaviour comes from a sense of portrayed high profile lifestyle. The word self- sufficient was always considered underrated. Though every learning has a flipside, there would be a good amount of people who would still feel the need to want more and spend nonchalantly. As our Prime Minister, Mr.Narendra Modi would say, Let us all be Atma Nirbhar!