Augmentique – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
29/06/2018 2023-10-28 15:22Augmentique – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

Augmentique – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
Augmentique – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
Award: Best Technical Collection
Collection Name: Augmentique
Designers: Varshini, Issac and Gouthami DFD June A 2017
Augmentique is an evening wear collection, with a combination of fashion and technology together. It is inspired by the geometric abstraction technique that accommodates every size- large, medium or small. (Valium) Auxetic structures of geometry and pleating techniques have been incorporated in the collection. In a colour palette that is black and white, the collection is presented by Varshini, Issac and Gouthami from DFD June A 2017 Batch.
Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
#JDInstituteofFashionTechnologyIndia #JDInstitute #Jediiians #JDAnnualDesignAwards #JDADA2018 #Sustainability #Ethical #innovation #Change #iamchange #revolutionize #Augmentique #Eveningwear #Geometricabstractiontechnique #Auxeticstructures #Pleatingtechniques #Sizeadjustablegarments #VarshiniLoganathan #VarshiniJDADA2018 #IsaacSubba #IssacJDADA2018 #GouthamiMulbagalAmarnath #GouthamiJDADA2018