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Acura Chemotherapy Daycare Center A Tribute To Chadwick Boseman (5)

Designers: Divyashree SA

Acura Chemotherapy Daycare Center – A Tribute To Chadwick Boseman

Healing gardens for cancer population: one size or style does not have to fit all. Mirroring the diversity of types and stages of cancer, these healing gardens each have their own blend of nature and health services translated and designed into a hardscape, softscape, and aesthetic vibe. The commonality among them is the recognition of nature as a healing element. Acura Chemotherapy Daycare Center is a tribute to Chadwick Boseman which is designed by Divyashree SA for JD Design Awards.

JDDA 2023

Photography Credits: Prem Pandora, Sundar, Vasanth

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