Benefits of Fashion Designing: Why Is it a Lucrative Course in the Long Run?

Benefits of Fashion Designing: A Lucrative Course in the Long Run
Fashion Design

Benefits of Fashion Designing: Why Is it a Lucrative Course in the Long Run?

While the concept of fashion has existed since the 15th century, it wasn’t popularised for the mainstream market until later in the 20th century. The 21st century added a whole new meaning to the concept, throwing fashion into the spotlight and highlighting the demand for beautiful designs. Now that the course is not just being accepted but encouraged as a career stream, you might be wondering about the benefits of fashion designing.

The need for creating ingenious designs and adding modern touches to existing styles has turned fashion design into a lucrative career, especially if you possess a strong inclination toward the subject.

However, fashion design courses are still cloaked in mystery, often leading to questions about the prospects of building a career in fashion designing in India.

We aim to answer all these questions about the benefits of fashion design courses today through this blog and help you make a more informed decision regarding your career in fashion designing after 12th!

Diving into the Basics

Fashion design – what does the term symbolise?

Think of it as the art of creating a garment or accessory from scratch. Similar to how product designers focus on durable, sustainable and innovative packages to attract the customer, fashion designers focus on conceptualising and infusing new ideas using different kinds of fabrics.Benefits of Fashion Designing: A Lucrative Course in the Long Run

Given the nature of the field, fashion design is never stagnant. The emergence of new trends and styles drives the need for new products and requires frequent innovation. Hence, it is a perfect field if you are looking for a creative outlet to pour your ideas and bring memorable designs to the market.

Not to mention, the growth of fashion promises to accelerate the demand for breakthrough styles. The fashion segment in India itself is projected to grow at a rate of 13.67% over the next five years, achieving a projected value of INR 29 crore by 2027.

While the work looks promising, do fashion design career opportunities provide justice to the field? Let’s take a peek at the career opportunities in fashion designing.

Securing the Professional Advantage

The success of fashion designers in India stems from their individuality. If you eventually discover your uniqueness during fashion and design courses or real-time projects, chances are that you can carve a distinct reputation for yourself.

The advantages of being a fashion designer can be summarised as follows.

Opportunity to Work with Top Fashion Houses

Established fashion design houses have access to a comprehensive roster of loyal clients, helping you network easily and build credibility with your work. If you are a fresher just entering into the professional world, fashion houses can ease the transition by providing you access to guidance and other tools at their disposal.

Benefits of Fashion Designing: A Lucrative Course in the Long Run

But that’s not all! As a fashion designer, you might be asked to visit several notable fashion events in India and around the world to enhance your learning curve. Annual trips to the New York fashion week, Paris Fashion Week and Milan Fashion week are just around the corner!

Opening and Managing your Fashion House

After gaining a plethora of experience as an employee, you can break out and start your own fashion house. Your years of experience in the industry will assist you in deciding the ‘X-factor’ of your design house to convince clients of your expertise.

The sky’s the limit with your own business! You can work with overseas clients or collaborate with fashion houses worldwide to build a name for your brand. More control over your hours and complete creative freedom also contribute to the lucrativeness of owning and operating your fashion house.

Non-Core Opportunities

Benefits of Fashion Designing: A Lucrative Course in the Long Run

Maybe you are looking to be involved in the fashion industry but do not possess a significant interest in design. Don’t worry! This expansive field offers opportunities to work as fashion stylists, fashion journalists, makeup artists, textile designers and retail managers as well!

Salary and Job Satisfaction

According to AmbitionBox, a fashion designer in India can take home up to INR 7.2 lakh per annum after some years of experience in the domain. Freshers might receive salaries close to INR 3.5 LPA if they start with a small fashion house.

Along with the salary, they have sufficient control over their designs and work in an inclusive environment. If you are an individual who detests the concept of a typical nine-to-five job that does not provide intellectual satisfaction, you will be a perfect fit for a creative field like fashion design!

Final Thoughts

You can choose to branch into a specific specialisation after completing your degree in fashion design. But discovering your interest can be challenging unless you opt for the all-inclusive BSc Fashion and Apparel Design course from JD School of Design.

The institute offers one of the most comprehensive and insightful fashion designing courses in India, with a dynamic approach towards educating the students to familiarise them with the ever-changing nature of the industry. During the course, you have the flexibility to venture into multiple projects to test your skills, expand your comfort with different styles of fashion design, and build your portfolio.

So, avail yourself of the benefits of fashion designing now and scale your growth in the field!