UX Design Principles – The 5 Key most important Principles 

UX Design Principles – The 5 Key most important Principles
Jewellery Design

UX Design Principles – The 5 Key most important Principles 

UX Design Principles are important and every aspiring UX Designer needs to keep the five key principles in mind.

Following are the 5 Key UX Design Principles of User Experience DesignUX Design Principles – The 5 Key most important Principles

  1. Hierarchy

The topmost of the UX Design Principles is the most important tools to help users navigate through the product seamlessly is hierarchy. It comprises of information architecture and graphic hierarchy. Information architecture is important in establishing content on the apps or websites. Topmost of the hierarchy is the main navigation menu that includes the main sections. The menu is the first thing that is seen as soon as the app or website is opened. When the cursor is placed over the main menu it opens to a secondary set of menus with sub-categories. This is often overlooked however it is important as it helps in to create a smooth navigation experience. Visual hierarchy enables users to navigate the interior of a section or a page. For graphic hierarchy the content needs to truly stand out. For eg, the heading is ideally bigger than the text body and the font type is also different. Similarly, different colours are incorporated for interactive elements like links and buttons to draw attention.

  1. Consistency

Users expect consistency in the products which they have used earlier. The more familiar the product is, the more easily users will learn be able to have a better experience. This is an essential part of the UX Design Principles for UX designers as it means that they don’t have to recreate the wheel for every part of their design. Though it is quite tempting to try something different the principle of consistency advises to stick to standard patterns for most things.

  1. Confirmation

Prevention of errors is one the key factors as UX designers. When users unintentionally delete an item while making an online purchase or make an accidental payment, this leads to an inconvenience for them and a bad experience. The need for confirmation for important or irretrievable action is one of the ways to prevent these errors. This gives users an opportunity to undo an unintended action or to rethink if they are unsure of the purchase. Since the confirmation action requires extra effort, they should be used for actions only if it will have a substantial effect.UX Design Principles – The 5 Key most important Principles

  1. User Control

User control comes into play when the users have a better experience if control is provided to them for the product and what they are doing. An important part of user control is helping users recover from errors. For instance, if a user has clicked a level down in the graphic hierarchy then provision must be made for a button that can take them back up. An Undo button helps to reverse an unwanted action. Additions between features and products helps users transfer content, and advanced searches enables users find what they are looking for more proficiently.

  1. Accessibility

Last but not the least as part of the UX Design Principles is accessibility means designing products that can be used by as many people as possible. An exceptional part for a UX designer is to eliminate hindrances to help people use the product, irrespective if the hindrance is temporary or permanent. Adhering to accessibility guidelines improves the user experience since it veers towards usable design.

UX Design Principles helps in the creation of smooth navigation to build an exceptional user experience. To learn more about UX Design and all its elements enroll in the 2 years MA in User Experience and Interaction Design (UI/UX) from one of the best UI/UX institutes in Bangalore.

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UX Design Principles – The 5 Key most important Principles

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