GUA SHA: An Ancient Chinese Tool 

GUA SHA: An Ancient Chinese Tool

GUA SHA: An Ancient Chinese Tool 

Gua Sha is one of the ancient ways of massaging the skin. It translates to ‘scraping the pain away,’ which in turn intensifies the blood flow making it one of trending beauty tools right now.

Beauty tools are getting increasingly popular in the skincare industry and Gua Sha is one of the latest obsessions. It is a flat stone that is rigorously used in detoxifying the skin and a relaxing ritual for the face and neck. The crystal stones help in increasing the lymphatic flow and hence reduces puffing while the gentle stores help in lifting the skin. This practice is popular in China and Southeast Asia.

Here are the benefits of using Gua Sha for the skin:

RELAXINGGUA SHA: An Ancient Chinese Tool

Crystal is used for the purpose of  healing across the world and these flat crystal stones do live up to the hype. Massaging the skin with a Gua Sha right before bed makes you feel calm and relaxed. It also puts you at ease. This will give the same feeling of relaxation that one receives after a facial.

ANTI-AGEINGGUA SHA: An Ancient Chinese Tool

It induces lymphatic drainage and lifts the skin to make it look smooth and plump. Additionally, this reduces the signs of ageing through skin tightening and shaping the face muscles. For those who feel that their face has started to sag, this is highly recommended.

GLOWING SKIN:GUA SHA: An Ancient Chinese Tool

Any kind of massage helps in increasing the blood flow so when you use Gua Sha it will slowly drain the toxins and oxygenate the skin cells. When used regularly, it will make a noticeable difference in the skin, automatically making it glow which is because it decongests the skin cells and reduces inflammation.

Gua Sha has more than just these benefits, they help reduce stress, as we all know that shows up on our facial skin. This beauty tool is a great addition to your skincare routine and is more effective when used with serums as a massaging lubricant. Natural beauty products work the best when used.

GUA SHA: An Ancient Chinese Tool

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