Mystic Mandala – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
25/07/2017 2020-03-12 9:19Mystic Mandala – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Mystic Mandala – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
Mystic Mandala – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017
Collection Name: Mystic Mandala
Students Names: Dimple Raysoni, Chaithanya Shringeri, Vinitha Rajpurohit & Pema Yangzom
The collection Mystic Mandala places heavy emphasis on using fabrics that are absolutely sustainable and environment friendly. The designers have consciously made the decision of using eco-friendly fabrics organic tusser silk and ghicha silk for their collection. The collection comprising of straight fitted long and short jackets made from naturally dyed silk fabrics. The tusser silk adds rich texture and the deep gold colour makes the garment lustrous. The embroidery done on the garments are modern and elegant, although done traditionally by hand. The collection is presented by Dimple Raysoni, Chaithanya Shringeri, Vinitha Rajpurohit & Pema Yangzom from July B Diploma Batch.
Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
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Mystic Mandala – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017…!