Modern Tribals – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
JD Annual Design AwardsJDADA 2017

Modern Tribals – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017


Modern Tribals – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Collection Name: Modern Tribals
Students Names: Ramini Sahoo & G.L. Shobha

Modern Tribals is a collection that draws its inspiration from the cultural heritage of Odisha. Kapadaganda is an ethnic embroidered shawl that belongs to the Dongria Kundh tribe of Odisha. The shawl is handwoven by the tribal women as a token of love. The shawl and the tribe’s cultural heritage forms the inspiration for the collection. The shawl is a cotton cloth detailed with embroidery made of three colours – green, yellow and red, each of them symbolizing prosperity, auspiciousness and power respectively. The designers have sourced these shawls from an NGO which works towards the upliftment of these tribes, to create contemporary silhouettes, like jackets, crop tops, palazzo pants and one-piece dresses. Besides the cotton shawl, Khadi has also been used in the collection along with woollen yarns for the embroidery. The original embroidery has been enhanced to suit the collection. The collection is presented by Ramini Sahoo & G.L. Shobha from March Diploma Batch.

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Modern Tribals - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)


Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

#iamworld #iamearth #futureorigins #sustainable #ethical #innovation #jdada2017 #jdannualdesignawards #jdinstituteoffashiontechnology

#jdinstitutebangalore  #fashion #design #runway #graduateshow



Modern Tribals – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017…![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]