Interactive Talk by Roshni Rajendra on Sustainability

Interactive Talk by Roshni Rajendra on Sustainability
Industry Exposure - Bangalore

Interactive Talk by Roshni Rajendra on Sustainability

Interactive Talk by Roshni Rajendra

Interactive Talk by Roshni Rajendra manages the content on GreenStitched and its feature enhancements. She has worked on resource efficiency projects for apparel factories. She was invited to JD Institute of Fashion Technology to share tidbits on the approach towards accepting and acknowledging sustainability. The term sustainability is subjective and according to Roshni, The ‘Triple Bottom Line’ Approach which refers to People, Planet and Profit are widely accepted in the apparel industry. The industry is aiming to include social and environmental responsibilities.

Interactive Talk by Roshni Rajendra

Knowing what’s happening within sustainability in apparel industry can be a challenging & time-consuming task. GreenStitched stitches news from various sources and bring us the best picks – issues closest to our heart, companies we love to know more about and updates we do not want to miss.

Interactive Talk by Roshni Rajendra…!

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